Three Tips for Storing Your Furniture

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The pieces of furniture that you own are likely among the largest possessions that you have. However, you may have more furniture than available space in your home, but you may not want to get rid of these items. When this is the situation, you should opt to rent a storage unit. To help you ensure that your furniture makes it through storage without suffering needless wear and tear, you should make sure to follow these simple tips.

Have the Right Equipment for Moving Furniture

Furniture can be extremely heavy, and it is important to take the time to ensure that you have the right equipment for this task. In particular, you will want to use a hand truck and back supports when moving these items. Failing to move with these basic pieces of equipment can put you at a higher risk of accidentally dropping these items or injuring yourself. If you are unsure of where to get these items, ask a self-storage facility like Arctic Self Storage about renting these pieces of equipment.

Know the Steps for Preparing Furniture to Go in a Storage Unit

Prior to placing the furniture in the unit, you will need to make sure that you properly prepare it. Failing to adequately prepare the furniture for storage can expose it to more wear and tear than is necessary. Fortunately, the steps for preparing furniture for storage are relatively simple. You will need to thoroughly wash the furniture prior to storing it. This will inhibit the development of foul odors, and it can minimize the risk of the furniture attracting destructive insects. Also, the furniture should be stored in the correct position. For example, you would want to avoid storing a couch on its side for a prolonged period of time because this can put too much stress on the furniture.

Appreciate the Benefits of Having an Insurance Policy for the Unit

Your pieces of furniture can be extremely valuable. As a result, if the storage unit were to suffer damage, you could face substantial losses. While the professionals at the storage unit will do their best to keep your items safe, there is little that they can do if large floods or tornadoes strike the storage facility. To protect yourself against this potential hazard, you should take out an insurance policy for the items in your storage unit. It is common for storage facilities to offer these policies to their clients, but if the facility you are using does not offer this protection, you can add an addendum to your homeowner's insurance policy to provide coverage for items in storage units.
